One day, Aiba-chan was seriously thinking of a "catch copy"(??, this part wakanai) for Arashi
He said for individual members, their characters are more or less decided,
Sho being caster, Leader the artist, Nino and Jun actors, and Aiba-chan himself is variety character, but as a group Arashi, there is no such "character"
Aiba-chan's theory is that
SMAP is "No 1 idol in the history"
Kat-tun "Wild idol"
Kanjani 8 "Comedian idol"
Hey Say Jump "Fresh idol"
So he called Leader at night to discuss of a "catch copy" for Arashi
But Leader's reply "It's ok not to think about it, also, because tomorrow I have to get up early for drama, I want to sleep already"
Aiba-chan got angry and told him "which is more important, Arashi's future or your sleeping time"
It is important but I think it (catch copy) is totally unrelated to Arashi's future, instead of thinking about that, if I can get enough sleep, giving a high quality performance isn't it more important for Arashi's future?
"Wierd! Ohno-kun totally do not have a sense of danger"
Putting down the phone, Aiba-chan called Sho-chan, thinking Sho-chan will understand, but starting from Sho-chan...
"Nino should be awake since he is playing games..."
Jun's phone is engaged...
No one is available through phone
"Don't tell me after our phonecall, Leader has sent out a mass mail to minna asking to switch off their handphones?"
"In that case, I shall be the only one who will seriously think about Arashi's future"
And so tennen Aiba-chan has decided
Yes, ECO, Arashi will be "Eco Idol"
Since eco is the in thing now, we should ride on it before it gets too late
So Aiba-chan wanted a "Acoustic guitar with Acapella" concert, with the theme
"Eco Idol, Arashi no Eco-ustic concert"
But given a venue like Kokuritsu, isn't it too big
The image during the concert
Other members will be
"Lights too dark, switch it on"
"Is there not even a mic available"
"wah, it's dark"
"This is too simple"
In the audience, fans will be screaming
"cannot hear"
"cannot see"
"it's dark"
ps: I seriously doubt this scenario will ever happen since concert leader Jun will never approve haha
2nd ps: hope minna understand what I wrote because I think my translation sucks and sometimes I use my own words :p
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